What is the purpose of this survey?
The purpose of this survey is to receive input from a broad range of stakeholder on the WASH focused research questions that are critical to achieving the Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) elimination and control targets identified in the World Health Organization's (WHO) Road Map for NTDs 2021-2030.
This survey is part of a broader project being undertaken by the NTD NGO Network’s (NNN) WASH Working Group, at the request of WHO, to identify and share research priorities relating to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD). This survey is one input into this project. Other components include a literature review and a series of activities to categorise, assess and rank research questions. An advisory group has been established to steer this project. If you would like further details on this work, please contact the project lead: Dr Sarity Dodson (sdodson@hollows.org).
The Integrated NTD and WASH Research and Innovation Agenda, will form a component of a more comprehensive research and development plan for NTDs being developed by WHO. The agenda is being developed to encourage coordination of research activities, and the effective targeting of research investments.