The Waltham Planning Commission is considering revisions to our Zoning Regulations to better reflect the goals of the Waltham Town Plan. We are seeking public input on topics related to land use, forest fragmentation, housing and energy. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability and refer to the maps and images provided throughout the survey.

Question Title

Waltham Planning Regions Map
This is the current Land Use Map within the Waltham Town Plan. The purpose of a Land Use Map is to identify distinguishing characteristics in Waltham's landscape (natural characteristics and past, current use) to guide growth and conservation accordingly. The Land Use Map is conceptual and is used to determine appropriate zoning for these different areas of town.

<strong>Waltham Planning Regions Map<br></strong>This is the current Land Use Map within the Waltham Town Plan. The purpose of a Land Use Map is to identify distinguishing characteristics in Waltham's landscape (natural characteristics and past, current use) to guide growth and conservation accordingly. The Land Use Map is conceptual and is used to determine appropriate zoning for these different areas of town.

Question Title

* 1. Land Use Planning Region 1-Northern Residential Section (yellow area on map)
The Northern Residential Section, in yellow, is located closest to Vergennes.  Residential development is the predominant land use. Over half of Waltham's housing is located here. The proximity to Vergennes provides potential for future connection to existing infrastructure, like sidewalks, bus stops and utility networks. Encouraging future residential development here could help discourage development within our contiguous forests and farmland.  This area is currently zoned 2.5 acre minimum lot size.

Waltham is considering ways to support a more diverse mix of housing options within Planning Region 1. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability with the assumption that future sewer and septic technology will not restrict minimum lot size.

  Strongly Agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly Disagree
I support encouraging new residential growth in Waltham's Planning Region 1.
Having affordable housing options in Waltham specifically for seniors is important to me.
Having affordable housing options in Waltham for anyone, including seniors and young families is important to me.
Waltham should consider zoning measures that would enable more  diverse housing options within Planning Region 1.
To provide more affordable housing choices, Waltham should consider allowing lot sizes smaller than 2.5 acres in Planning Region 1.