Over the next few years, Keizer will study, designate, and adopt locations for walkable, mixed-use areas. This will include changes to land use and zoning rules that encourage walkable, mixed-use development to take place in these areas over time.

Currently, Keizer is studying areas that align with the Keizer Revitalization Plan. Adopted in 2019, the plan provides a vision for the revitalization of a key commercial corridor in the city of Keizer – the River Road/Cherry Avenue area. To implement that work, the City adopted the River-Cherry Overlay District, to promote efficient use of land and urban services; create a mixture of land uses that encourage employment and housing options in close proximity to one another; and encourage pedestrian-oriented development. Already a few mixed-use projects have been constructed and the Corridor is served by frequent transit.

Within the River-Cherry Overlay District, three "centers" are identified.  This survey includes several questions about each of the three locations that Keizer is studying as potential walkable, mixed-use areas. Your input will be used to help inform the study the City will publish by the end of 2023, as well as the future process to designate and adopt walkable, mixed-use areas in accordance with state requirements.

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