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The Puerto Rico and Caribbean Karst Institute (Instituto del Karso de Puerto Rico y el Caribe) a project of Ciudadanos Del Karso, is seeking expert contributors and collaborators for the establishment of its Natural History Museum in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. This museum will be a non-profit institution dedicated to education, community outreach, basic and applied research, and as a relief center on which the community can rely on in times of need. It will be a “must see” destination on the island with educational exhibits and interactive learning activities for the general public covering classic and cutting-edge topics across the physical and biological realms of the environment. For more information on this project, please go to:
You have been identified as an expert in a field of interest to the Museum. Please read the topic descriptions and tell us how you would like to be involved, if at all. The survey will present a series of natural sciences topics, followed by areas related to art, education, engineering and information technology. The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete. Your involvement is crucial!

Question Title

* 1. If you are interested in participating, collaborating or being informed of these projects as it develops, please enter your contact information:

Question Title

* 2. Planetary Science & Geological history of the Caribbean

The exhibit on geological foundations will be at the forefront of the museum, to welcome visitors and immerse them in a time-travel experience to the origins and evolution of our planet, the geological eras, plate tectonics and the formation of the Caribbean Archipelago, and the organisms that have thrived in it through time.

Question Title

* 3. Evolution: the common ancestry of all life and why it occurs

The evolutionary history exhibit will illustrate the common ancestry of all life on Earth and explain the mechanisms of why organisms change through time. On one end it will show the deep evolutionary history and environmental conditions on which life originated and how life itself has changed the planet by creating the biosphere.

Question Title

* 4. Ecosystems: the theater for life's play

The ecosystems exhibits will be the most extensive exhibit of the museum and its goal is to provide audiences with a fundamental understanding of the intricate biological mechanisms that sustain all life on earth, and how the climate and weather of the earth works. The last part of the ecosystems exhibit will cover the ecological interactions that guide organismal evolution and result in the formation of functional natural communities.

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* 5. The biological diversity of life in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean

The Caribbean is recognized as one of the world’s hotspots of biodiversity.  The purpose of this section of the exhibition is to give the audience a blast with the remarkable biodiversity of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, with emphasis in the endemic forms of plant and animals found in the Caribbean, and their natural history, characteristics and distribution patterns.

Question Title

* 6. Education, Technology & Sustainability Science

The last exhibit will explain the basics of scientific inquiry. The goal is to present audiences with tools and solutions to the current challenges of humanity based on the collective knowledge generated by science. A variety of fun learning activities for school age audiences and adults can be developed to teach what is science, how it works, and how it can be applied to solve our most pressing problems.

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* 7. Arts & Design

This museum will be modest, but spectacular in substance and beauty. The blending of arts and design with effective scientific and pedagogical modules can be achieved by the blending the imagination of passionate Artists and Architects.

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* 8. IT & Engineering

The museum will be constructed and equipped to count with cutting-edge technologies and energy efficiency and sustainability. We seek the collaboration of creative Engineers and Data Scientists to guide the design of the physical and digital infrastructure of the Natural History Museum.

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* 9.
If you have suggestions about people you know that could be potentially interested in collaborating with this project, please provide, name, institution, and field of expertise or ways in which the person could contribute:

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