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* 1. Your relationship to LG Professionals, NSW

Please provide comment on our strategic goals:

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* 2. MEMBERSHIP : We are committed to delivering value for our members that gives them a sense of ownership of our organisation, our priorities and our future.

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* 3. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT : We are committed to offering professional development opportunities that are member driven, relevant and contribute to the success of our members.

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* 4. CAPACITY BUILDING : We are committed to supporting, developing and building the capacity of our members and the local government sector.

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* 5. ADVOCACY AND REPRESENTATION : As the voice and peak body for NSW local government, we work collaboratively and in partnerships to represent our members and advocate on behalf of the sector.

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* 6. Are there any areas that are not addressed by the four goals that you feel are critical to the future of LG Professionals, NSW over the next two - five years?

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* 7. Please provide any additional comments below.

The LG Professionals, NSW Board Directors thank you for your feedback.