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* 1. Did you borrow seeds from the BPL Grows Seed Library?

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* 2. If no, why not?

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* 3. If yes, what kinds of seeds did you borrow?

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* 4. What kind of seeds are you interested in borrowing from the BPL Grows Seed Library? Check all that apply.

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* 5. Have you returned, or intend on returning, any saved seeds back to the library?

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* 6. If no, what prevented you from returning saved seeds?

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* 7. What types of information would help you learn how to save seed?

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* 8. What gardening or food related programs would you like to see at the Library? (ie. organic gardening, canning, how to grow seed etc.)

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* 9. Would you like to see it expand to other or all Library branches? If yes, which branches?

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* 10. What could we do to improve the Seed Library?