Community Education Toolkit Evaluation Questionnaire Thank you for using the Community Education Toolkit. Your feedback is incredibly valuable in helping us improve our resources.We kindly invite you to complete a short evaluation survey about your experience using the toolkit. The survey will only take a few minutes of your time. We would like to know more about your community group. Question Title * 1. What is the name of your community group? Question Title * 2. What type of community group are you? Senior Citizens Club Faith-Based Organisation Carers' Support Group Retirement Village Men's Shed Women's Support Network Probus Club Neighbourhood House Rotary Club U3A Group City Council Service Club Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. When was your session held? Workshop date Date Question Title * 4. How many people attended the session? 0 100+ Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. We would like to know more about the toolkit content. Question Title * 5. How would you rate the overall quality of the content provided in the toolkit? Very high quality High quality Neither high nor low quality Low quality Very low quality Question Title * 6. How clear and understandable was the information presented? Extremely clearly Very clearly Somewhat clearly Not so clearly Not at all clearly Question Title * 7. Did the content meet the needs of your audience? Yes No (Please specify why not) We would like to know more about the toolkit usability. Question Title * 8. Did you encounter any technical issues with the digital materials? No Yes (please specify) We would like to know more about toolkit engagement and interaction. Question Title * 9. Did the toolkit facilitate meaningful discussions and interactions among participants? Yes Somewhat No Question Title * 10. What did you like / dislike about this method of learning for your community group? We would like to know more about overall effectiveness of the toolkit. Question Title * 11. Overall, how much has this toolkit helped improve your understanding of dementia, brain health and how to stay connected? A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Question Title * 12. Would you recommend this toolkit to other community groups? Yes No (please explain why) We would love to hear any other thoughts you have. Question Title * 13. What did you like most about the toolkit? Question Title * 14. What improvements would you suggest for the toolkit? Was there anything you felt was missing? Question Title * 15. Do you have any additional comments or feedback? Question Title * 16. Please tick the below sentences which apply to you. I would like to know more information about Dementia Friendly Communities. I consent to being contacted by Dementia Australia in the future. I would like to subscribe to Dementia Australia 's monthly eNewsletter. Question Title * 17. What is your name and email address?Note: This information is required if you would like to hear more from Dementia Australia. Name Email Address Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. Done