Engineering Tech Study - $400 compensation

On September 25 and 26, we will conduct an Online Community study (in English) on standards & norms (i.e. ISO). 
We are providing a $400 compensation for successful completion of the study.
We are doing this project in the UK, France and Germany.
More info:
The Online Discussion would take place over 2 days during the week of September 24. We would require that you spend at least 20-30 minutes on an online platform on the first day and at least 15 minutes on the second day. Participants must log into the platform on both days. The written responses must be detailed (no short sentences, slang, or unclear responses).   If you qualify, participate in and complete the 2-day discussion, you will be provided with a $400 USD compensation.  The research project focuses on your attitudes and opinions, and is for research-purposes.
We would first like to see if you qualify to participate in the study.  To qualify for this study, please fill in this online pre-screening survey
Learn more about SIS at

Question Title

* 1. Contact information

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* 2. How comfortable are you reading and typing in English?

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. Including all locations, approximately how many full-time employees are there in your organization?

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* 5. (IF UNDER 100 EMPLOYEES, otherwise skip to Q6) Would you consider your organization to be…

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* 6. Which of the following best describes the industry in which you work?

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* 7. Which of the following best describes your official job level?

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* 8. (IF C-LEVEL/PRESIDENT/OWNER, SKIP TO Q9) Which of the following best describes the functional area(s) of which you serve within the organization?

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* 9. Does your organization typically work on any of the following?

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* 10. (IF “STANDARDIZATION PROJECTS” IN Q9, please answer Q10. Otherwise skip to Q11).

When it comes to the decision of where to take standardization work, what is your role in the organization?

Question Title

* 11. (IF “OPEN-SOURCE PROJECTS” IN Q9, please answer Q11. Otherwise skip to Q12).

When it comes to the decision of where to take open-source work, what is your role in the organization?

Question Title

* 12. (IF “PROJECTS WITH CONSORTIA/ALLIANCE” IN Q9, please answer Q12. Otherwise skip to Q13).

When it comes to the decision of where to participate in a consortia or alliance, what is your role in the organization?

Question Title

* 13. Which, if any, of the following organizations are you aware of?

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* 14. (IF “IEEE SA” CHECKED IN Q13, please answer Q14. Otherwise skip to Q15).

Have you participated with IEEE SA on a standards project in the past 12 months?

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* 15. What would you consider to be the biggest issue facing your industry at the moment in regard to standardization and/or open-source projects? And what is one possible solution to address this issue?    (100 words minimum)

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* 16. (If you are working in the UK, otherwise skip this question).

In which country is your office or place of business located?

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* 17. (If you are working in Germany, otherwise skip the question).

In which region is your office or place of business located?

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* 18. How many locations does your business have?

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* 19. For how many years has your company been in business?

Thank you, we will review your responses to this pre-screener.  If you are a match for this study, we will contact you for further details.