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The Energy System-Wide Cost-Benefit Analysis (ESW CBA) methodology (hereafter only CBA methodology) currently in force is the one approved by the European Commission (hereafter EC) in February 2015. This methodology has been applied to develop the Ten Year Network Development Plan 2015 (TYNDP 2015) as well as TYNDP 2017. For this latest TYNDP edition, ENTSOG has complemented the CBA methodology with additional elements on a voluntary basis.
ENTSOG’s development of the CBA methodology in 2015 was largely based on stakeholders’ support in order to provide a robust framework to the second Projects of Common Interest (PCI) selection. The CBA methodology responds to requirements from Regulation (EU) 347/2013 and it is especially used for the selection of PCIs.
Based on the experience of TYNDP 2015 and 2017 and the 2nd and 3rd PCI selection processes, ENTSOG sees benefits in updating and improving the CBA methodology to be applied for the preparation of its TYNDP 2018, as foreseen in Article 11(6) of Regulation (EU) 347/2013. Regulation (EU) 347/2013 defines also the different steps to be followed by ENTSOG in the process of updating the CBA methodology. These steps include “an extensive consultation process involving at least the organisations representing all relevant stakeholders — and, if deemed appropriate, the stakeholders themselves — national regulatory authorities and other national authorities”.
ENTSOG with the support of its TSOs prepared this public consultation document formulating the identified possible paths to update the current CBA methodology. ENTSOG has taken into consideration the Opinions of ACER in particular on TYNDP 2015 and TYNDP 2017 as well as the recent findings of the study mandated by the EC, whose draft recommendations were released in March 2017.
In early 2017, ENTSOG has organised meetings with ‘Prime Movers’ to identify what are the most expected improvements in the CBA methodology. ENTSOG has taken these proposals into consideration in the preparation of this consultation. 
Today, ENTSOG would like to receive stakeholders’ feedback and concrete proposals as regards possible evolutions for its CBA methodology.
Please provide us with your feedback for all covered items, or a selection of them, no later than Friday 23 June 2017.
Stakeholders are invited to read the supporting document before filling in the questionnaire.

For any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Stefano Astorri ( and Laurent Percebois ( - and always in cc. Mirsada Spaho (

ATTENTION: The online survey doesn't offer the possibility to 'save halfway' and continue later, you have to complete the full questionnaire in one go. Therefore, in order to facilitate participants, at the following link you can find the questionnaire in word version. [only as support - participan

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* 1. Contact details:

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* 2. How would you describe your organisation? (Please choose the category which best represents your organisation)

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* 3. Confidentiality:

ENTSOG intends to publish the results of this public consultation. ENTSOG will disclose only the organisation name but not the participant’s personal information (i.e. name and email address). If your response should remain completely confidential, please indicate it below. Otherwise simply skip the following question.