Annual Gathering 2022 Question Title * 1. On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest score, how would you rate your overall experience at this year's Gathering? Comments: Question Title * 2. Are you a Farm to Plate Network member? Yes No Question Title * 3. On a sliding scale, how welcome and comfortable did you feel at the Gathering? 0 100 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 4. Is there anything we could do to create a more welcoming event? Question Title * 5. On a sliding scale, how would you rate the overall organization of this event? 0 100 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 6. Is there anything we could do to improve in this area? Question Title * 7. What did you value from attending this event? Select all that apply reconnecting with friends and colleagues making new connections deepening subject matter expertise engaging in small group discussion and activities learning something new having fun Identifying opportunities for collaboration Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Which breakout session did you attend? Mobilizing Vermont Regenerative Agriculture Funding The State of Migrant Farmworkers and Migrant Farmworker Initiatives in Vermont Strengthening Farm to Plate Network Support for New and Beginning Farmers Understanding Current Realities and Future Directions of the Vermont Dairy Industry Food Resilience: Lessons from Vermont and Puerto Rico Food Security, Farm Viability, and Addressing Root Causes of Hunger in Vermont Question Title * 9. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest score, how would you rate the overall presentation and organization of this breakout session? Question Title * 10. Please use the space below to share any comments you have about this breakout session. Question Title * 11. Which Topic Exchange did you attend? Climate, Soil, and Environment Education, Workforce, and Labor Food Security Land Access and Land Use Production, Processing, and Market Development Question Title * 12. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest score, how would you rate the quality of discussion and organization of this Topic Exchange? Question Title * 13. Please use this space below to share any comments you have about this Topic Exchange. Question Title * 14. Did you find any part of the day to be particularly impactful or meaningful? If so, please tell us a little more about your experience. Question Title * 15. How has the Gathering impacted your plans or priorities for the year, e.g., are there any actions you're committed to taking, partnerships you intend to pursue etc.? Question Title * 16. Please choose one of the following that is most closely related to your employment and/or involvement in the food system: Farm (e.g., owner, operator, or farmworker) Food business (e.g., food processor, specialty food producer, distributor) Nonprofit State government Federal government Local/regional government Academic institution Trade association Funder/capital provider Private consultant Community or volunteer group Other (please specify) Question Title * 17. What can we do to improve next year's Gathering? Question Title * 18. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest score, how would you rate the facility and location of the Killington Grand Resort as a venue for the Annual Gathering? Comments Question Title * 19. Looking ahead to the 2023 Gathering, would you suggest that the Gathering remain a one-day event or return to the pre-pandemic two-day Gathering? one day two days no preference Question Title * 20. Other comments and feedback you'd like to share: Done