10 Week Bible Study Podcast Survey Summer 2022 & Giveaway

I like to take a survey every year to get to know how the 10 Week Bible Study community uses the studies, podcasts and videos. Thanks for taking the time to do the survey.

The survey will run from today through the end of June, 2022. On July 1, 2022, two responders will be chosen at random to receive an autographed print copy of a 10 Week Bible Study of their choice. Be sure to include your email address and name so we can get in touch with you.

Question Title

* 1. How long have you been listening to the 10 Week Bible Study Podcast?

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* 2. How often do you listen to the 10 Week Bible Study?

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* 3. When you listen to the 10 Week Bible Study, what do you listen to?

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* 4. Have you ever watched the 10 Week Bible Study on YouTube?

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* 5. Have you ever purchased a 10 Week Bible study in print or on Kindle?

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* 6. Would you ever buy a 10 Week Bible Study in print or Kindle, or do you prefer the audio podcast over reading a book?

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* 7. Gender

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* 8. Age

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* 9. Email

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* 10. Name