Many residents and businesses of the Lake Shore community have voiced concerns about their lack of access to high-speed Internet services, which limits the ability to use the Internet for work, education, health care and simply connecting with family. And, as more of our daily lives goes online, the City and its residents risk being left behind. In fact, the lack of high-speed broadband availability is increasingly adversely affecting Lake Shore property values.

The City, working with a group of interested residents, recently formed a Committee to actively seek alternatives for expanding our Internet options.  One of our first steps is seek your input about current Internet services.   Additionally, the Broadband Committee is in discussions with Internet providers.

Please be assured that by completing this questionnaire you are not obligating yourself to purchase any services, either now or in the future.  Your response to this questionnaire will remain confidential; your response will help us find the best solution for improving Broadband Internet access in Lake Shore.

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* 1. Who is your Internet provider(s) (check all that apply)

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* 2. How SATISFIED are you with the Internet service you CURRENTLY have at your home/business in the City of Lake Shore? Services are:

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* 3. Why are you DISSATISFIED with your Current Internet service? (check all that apply)

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* 4. If you currently HAVE Internet service, how likely are you to switch to a FASTER option if it was available?

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* 5. How do you currently use your Internet service at your home/business in the City of Lake Shore? (check all that apply)

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* 6. If your current service inhibits your use of the Internet, which of the following services would you use if you had access to FASTER Internet service? (check all that apply.)

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* 7. If you don’t subscribe to Internet services, why not? (check all that apply.) If you are already an Internet subscriber, go to question 9.  

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* 8. If you currently DO NOT HAVE Internet service, how likely would you be you to subscribe to high speed Internet if it became available?

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* 9. Would you choose a Bundled Package for Internet, TV, and Land Line Phone service if it were available?

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* 10. Are you a Full Time or Seasonal Resident/Business of the City of Lake Shore?

We sincerely thank you for your input which will help us make high speed Internet service to all the residents and businesses in the City of Lake Shore. Further,  providing your contact information below is critical to our efforts, as we need to evaluate geographic patterns in our survey results and also keep you informed as to our progress.  As noted above, your information which will be kept confidential.  

Finally, we seek additional hands to assist in this work.  If you are interested in helping, please become a broadband champion!

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* 11. Address

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* 12. I would like to help in this effort