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Your organization

Question Title

* 1. How would you best describe your organization? (choose one answer)

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* 2. How has the pandemic highlighted pain points in your current automation initiatives? (choose one answer)

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* 3. What is limiting your capacity to manage high volumes of document processing? (choose top 3 answer choices?)

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* 4. How much of your enterprise data do you estimate is currently unstructured? (choose one answer)

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* 5. Do you believe the problem of “unstructured data” is impacting your operational productivity / business effectiveness?

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* 6. Do you have a strategy in place to address this data problem (i.e., unstructured)?

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* 7. Where in your operation is the lack of digitized data most costly? (please describe)

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* 8. What rates of straight through processing are you currently achieving for each of the processes listed below? Please mark as relevant

  <10% 11-30% 31-60% 61-90% >90% I don't know/does not apply
Claims Processing
Financial Spreading
Fraud Detection
[Other/list below]

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* 9. If you currently use an OCR solution, how accurate is it?

0% 100%
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 10. How well are you currently managing data labeling for the purpose of supporting machine learning?

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* 11. Are your data labeling efforts hampered because you don't have access to skilled resources (e.g., data scientists)?

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* 12. How many document samples do you require to train a production-ready solution?

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* 13. Please rank your current solution effectiveness in terms of:

  Highly effective Relatively effective Acceptable Not very effective Very ineffective Non-existant
Intelligent document processing
Intelligent image processing
Predictive analytics

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* 14. Is your organization using Deep Learning and GPU computing power in its current automation initiatives?

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* 15. Have you implemented 'fuzzy search' capabilities in your enterprise content-based search engines?

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* 16. To what extent are you currently using mobile apps to scan and mine data?

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* 17. If you are an enterprise GBS/SSO and work with an outsource provider (BPO), how well are they supporting your digital transformation objectives?

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* 18. If you are an enterprise GBS/SSO working with a BPO, and IF you are ramping up your in-house automation capability, are you considering bringing some of the work back in-house?

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