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* 1. Please enter your full name and contact information (phone/email).

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* 2. Please enter the full name and contact information of the person you are recommending to serve in the Alaska Legislature. If you are considering serving in the legislature yourself, please enter "Self" and include the mailing address at which you are currently registered to vote.

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* 3. Please tell us why you believe this person should consider serving in the Alaska Legislature (if you are considering serving in elected office, please tell us about yourself).

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* 4. If they are one of the candidates we choose to support, are you willing to invest time and money in helping promote their election?

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* 5. [Please answer the questions below only if you are considering serving in elected office]

What has led you to consider the difficult task of serving in the Alaska Legislature?

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* 6. Even the very idea of America is under attack today, and Alaska along with it. What is the idea of Alaska for which you would be willing to sacrifice so much to preserve, protect and defend?

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* 7. It is a truism in the political world that you will never be more conservative than you are when you are first elected. Virtually all political forces in the capitol building encourage legislators to become less conservative rather than more conservative. What in your life experience leads you to believe that you will be able to withstand the political influences of Juneau if elected?

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* 8. What is the role of a legislator?

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* 9. Legislators are elected exclusively by those of voting age. What duty does a legislator have to the next generation, who, by definition, is not able to vote for that legislator?

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* 10. Finally, if elected, will you pledge to vote for a budget prior to knowing what will be in it, in exchange for the benefits that accompany membership in a majority caucus?