Thank you for using POhWER. We are sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the service we offered you. We would like to know what went wrong. Your feedback will help us to find out what went wrong so we can look at making sure this does not happen again and make sure we are supporting people in the right way.

We would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to answer these questions, if you need a paper copy of this form sending to you please call our information support centre on 0300 456 2370, or you can ask them to help you and complete this form with you over the telephone.

Question Title

* 1. Your name

Question Title

* 2. Your contact details

Question Title

* 3. Name of the person/service you want to tell us about

Question Title

* 7. What went wrong with the service we were offering to you? (please select those that apply)

Question Title

* 8. Please tell us in more detail about the concern or complaint you want to tell us about.

Question Title

* 9. If you were unsatisfied with our support and the service we provided please tell us why (Please tick all that apply, you can choose more than one option)

Question Title

* 12. Do you have any suggestions how we can improve our services and work better with people in a similar situation to you?

Question Title

* 13. Please use this box to let us know anything else about the services you received from POhWER.

Question Title

* 15. Enter the Contract Code if known

If you would like any information about any of our other services, please call 0300 456 2370 or visit our website,