Greetings Valued UMBC Member!

Over the last two years, we’ve experienced a global pandemic, which has caused a dramatic shift in our worship experience. We transitioned from an in-person worship experience to a strictly virtual worship experience (Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube), and now to a hybrid (in-person and virtual) worship experience.

This transition period has resulted in questions from leaders and church members that include: “Can we reopen, and if so, how?”, “Who’s coming and who’s not coming?”, “Online or digital?”, “Is hybrid the future?”, “Masks or no masks?”, “Vaccines or no vaccines?”, and “Democrat or Republican?” (Nieuwhof, 2022).

These questions highlight an important shift in church culture throughout the world and specifically at UMBC. In preparation for this change, we would like your perspective on 2022 UMBC trends, which that will be presented later in this survey.

Please provide as much detail as possible as you complete these questions. Your confidential responses will be pivotal in assisting UMBC in its endeavor to transition to a church model that will maximize the worship experience for its members and community.
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8% of survey complete.