Question Title

* 1. Type of membership

Question Title

* 2. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 3. In which region of Australia do you live?

Question Title

* 4. How many Air League Reviews have you attended in previous years?

Question Title

* 5. If this was your first Review, please rate the following

  Yes Not sure No N/A - not my first Review
Did the Review meet your expectations?
Was the overall experience enjoyable?
Was the event worth the expense of travel?
Would you attend another Review?

Question Title

* 6. Overall, how would you rate the 2014 Review?

  Poor Average Good Excellent
Pre-event organisation
Marketing and promotion
Venue and facilities
Education competitions
Field competitions
Non-competitive activities
Final parade and presentations
Catering arrangements
Special entertainment (flypast)

Question Title

* 7. How would you rate the 2014 Review compared to previous years?

  Worse About the same Better Much better My first Review
Pre-event admin and information
Marketing and promotion
Venue and facilities
Education competitions
Field competitions
Non-competitive activities
Final parade and presentations
Overall organisation of the Review
Catering arrangements
Special entertainment (flypast)

Question Title

* 8. Which events did the cadets appear to enjoy the most?

  Most popular Average Least popular Unable to comment
Modelling competitions
Essay writing competition
Drill events
Ball games
PA competitions
Band competitions
Model glider competition
Final parade and march past
Sunday parade at the Australian War Memorial

Question Title

* 9. Do you think the Air League should hold another Review in 2016

Question Title

* 10. Where would you like to see the 2016 Review held?

Question Title

* 11. Education competitions - How could these events be improved?

Question Title

* 12. Field competitions - How could these events be improved?

Question Title

* 13. Non-competitive events - How could these events be improved?

Question Title

* 14. Extra fringe activities to add interest and networking?

  Great idea Worth considering Not sure really Little interest
Semaphore competition or display
Band awareness workshops (for units without a band)
Model building workshop - tips and tricks
Indoor model flying competition
Booster stalls for squadron fundraising
Drill assessment skills for Officers and NCOs
Aircraft recognition competition
Public speaking competition

Question Title

* 15. Sunday morning parade

  Yes Unsure No
Do you support holding a second major event on Sunday morning?
Did you enjoy the parade at the Australian War Memorial?
Were the admin instructions clear?
Did you visit other attractions in Canberra over the weekend?

Question Title

* 16. If you could change just one thing about the Review what would it be?