Neighborhood Council Funding Training Certification Quiz Question Title * 1. Fill in the blank. The Neighborhood Council's funds are for ___________________. Neighborhood Council President's comfort. Treasurer's agenda. Public purpose and benefit. Neighborhood Council's political influence. OK Question Title * 2. Which of the following is not an authorized activity using the Neighborhood Councils funds? Community Grants Community Outreach Community Improvement Projects Operational Expenses Private Property Improvements OK Question Title * 3. Which of the following is not a Financial Position of the Neighborhood Councils Funding Program? Treasurer 2nd Signer 3rd Signer Card Holder OK Question Title * 4. Which of the following situation has a potential conflict of interest, and the persons must call the City Attorney's Office for advice? Voting for a Neighborhood Purposes Grant for a nonprofit you are affiliated with. Voting for a Neighborhood Purposes Grant for a nonprofit you are not affiliated with. Voting for a Community Improvement Project beyond 500 feet of your residence. Voting for a Community Improvement Project not affiliated with your or your business. OK Question Title * 5. Which of the following is not a budget category for the Neighborhood Councils? General and Operational Events Neighborhood Purposes Grants Community Improvement Project OK Question Title * 6. What is the definition of a Community Improvement Project? Beautification and Capital Improvement projects on private property. Projects to reach out to community members to increase Neighborhood Council visibility. Beautification and Capital Improvement projects on public property. Required expenditure of the Neighborhood Council. OK Question Title * 7. How many people are sitting at the table in the slide for "Setting an Annual Budget"? 1 10 8 4 OK Question Title * 8. What is BAC Form? Board Action Capitalization Form Bank Account Certification Form Board Authorization Cap Form Board Action Certification Form OK Question Title * 9. Which of the following statement applies to a Board Member Reimbursement? Expenditures do not need prior approval before the Board Members make the expense. A Board Action Certification Form and the receipts are required for a Board Member Reimbursement. Board Members Reimbursements are allowed for non-board members. Board member Reimbursements are the recommended way for Neighborhood Councils to Expense their funds. OK Question Title * 10. When is a contract not needed? Onetime outreach expenditures under $1,000. Neighborhood Purposes Grants over $5,000. Payment for services over an extended period of time. OK Question Title * 11. What item is not required to be inventoried? Items with an assigned value over $1,000. Electronic equipment such as computers. Office supplies such as pens, paper clips, and staplers Office equipment such as printer, copiers, and fax machines. OK Question Title * 12. Which of the following statement applies to the Neighborhood Council Monthly Expenditure Report (MER)? The monthly expenditure report is an accounting log of the expenditures of the prior months. The Monthly Expenditure Report is not important. Expenditures made in October will appear in the September monthly expenditure report. The Neighborhood Councils have to draft their own Report by using a template on the website. OK Question Title * 13. Which of the following applies to Neighborhood Purposes Grants? The Application can be filled out by the Neighborhood Council on behalf of the Nonprofit. Events hosted through an NPG must be free and available to everyone. NPG applications from 501c4 must have signatures from the CEO and Secretary. Every Neighborhood Council must do NPGs. OK Question Title * 14. Which Neighborhood Council expenditure requires the Office of the City Clerk's approval before funds are used? Purchase of Branded Outreach Materials Outreach Events Office Expenditures Election Expenditures OK Question Title * 15. Which trainings are required before a person take action on funding items? Outreach, Conflict of Interest, and Ethics Ethics, Funding, and Neighborhood Council History Ethics, Funding, Code of Conduct Code of Conduct, Ethics, and Congress OK Question Title * 16. The Funding Portal Dashboard will show the following information except. Neighborhood Council Budget Expenses to Date Credit Card Transactions Neighborhood Council Board Members OK NEXT