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* 2. Please check all that apply to you.

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* 3. Please select the age group of the individual with adrenal disease from the ranges shown below.

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* 4. Have you experienced any challenges obtaining medication for your adrenal disease?

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* 5. If yes, what was the challenge to get the medication?

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* 6. If your pharmacy indicated that your medication was not available, please check which drug you could not obtain.

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* 7. If your pharmacy replaced your usual hydrocortisone brand, what did they replace it with?

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* 8. If your usual brand of hydrocortisone was replaced, how is it working for you?

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* 9. Are you concerned with future medication shortages?

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* 10. What steps are you taking to protect yourself from contracting COVID-19? (Check all that apply)

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* 11. Have you had any symptoms of COVID-19?

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* 12. If yes, what were your symptoms? (Check all that apply)

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* 13. Please tell us if you have been tested for coronavirus (COVID-19).

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* 14. If tested for COVID-19, were you positive or negative?

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* 15. If you were tested positive, were you hospitalized?

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* 16. If you were hospitalized for COVID-19 did medical staff need to administer steroid dosing via IV hydrocortisone? 

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* 17. What else do you think we should know about your experience with COVID-19. 

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* 18. Please tell us what sources you are using for information about COVID-19 and adrenal insufficiency. (Check all that apply)

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* 19. How helpful are the updates from the National Adrenal Disease Foundation (NADF) regarding COVID-19 for those with adrenal insufficiency.

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* 20. What questions do you have about COVID-19 with respect to adrenal insufficiency that you would you like answered?

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* 21. We want you to stay safe during this pandemic. If there is anything else you'd want to share, please provide it here.  Please note: this is an anonymous survey and will not have your contact information unless you provide it.

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* 22. Important Research on Adrenal Insufficiency and COVID-19:
NADF Board Member, Elizabeth Regan MD, PhD is a principal investigator for The Adrenal Insufficiency (AI) Study, and is coordinating with several other patient cohort studies to collect detailed information about who gets sick, what symptoms do they experience and what are the long-term outcomes. If you are interested in participating in this more detailed study, please use this link.  Thank you!