PSR Parents/Guardians Survey for 20-21 School Year

St. Clare Parish needs your feedback in order to plan our Parish School of Religion program this year, as we face the challenges of the coronavirus. It is a huge undertaking to adjust our program to meet our students’ needs, so it is important to have your response before moving forward. We have questions pertaining to meeting in person, but that has not yet been decided. If we decide to meet in person, please know that we will have to be responsive to student/teacher safety needs and may have to adjust our format.

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* 1. First and last name of person completing this survey

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* 2. Grade level(s) of your child(ren) entering school this fall

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* 3. What is your first preference for how you want your children educated in the Catholic faith this year, when social distancing is required?

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* 4. How will your children be attending school this year?

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* 5. If it is necessary to keep class sizes smaller and allow for more social distancing, would you prefer:

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* 6. What is your preference for who should be wearing masks at PSR?

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* 7. Who do you want to take the children’s temperatures and do a health check before class?

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* 8. If remote learning is necessary, what are the best ways to receive the lessons and PSR information?

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* 9. Would you or someone you know be interested in volunteering as a PSR catechist/teacher or co-teacher? If yes, note name on answer #10.

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* 10. Other comments and suggestions: