Customer Feedback

Every year we have been improving and expanding lot, Prof. Renato has defined our culture and since most of the students understand our culture it is easy to ask them whatever wants and needs. Please use this survey to tell anything you need in order to help us improve. Of course making everyone happy is very hard but since we all know the culture it is a bit easier.

Question Title

* 1. Your Opinion is very Important to us, Please let us know how were the classes in the first three weeks of this new school year? are they fun? Have they been a helpful tool on your goals achievement? Please write anything you want, any concerns, any feedback and any needs i.e. a class in a given time that is not yet been offered.

Question Title

* 2. Would you like any given program been offered at a given time? if so let us know here in details please.

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* 3. In What sector would you like to see us improving?