Thank you for reporting your time!
According to The Independent Sector, your time is worth $28.89 / hour! We share the total of all of our volunteers' time with our community, donors, and the foundations who fund us. Thank you for helping us tell a piece of our work's story!

Question Title

* 1. What's your name?

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* 2. What's your email?

Question Title

* 3. Time Period Reporting for Month(s)

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* 4. For Tutors ONLY:
What's your Student's name? (If you have more than one student, complete a separate survey for that student, unless you meet with them as a group.)

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* 5. For Tutors ONLY:
Instruction and support time
with THIS student, if any.
(Round up to the nearest 0.5 hour.)

Question Title

* 6. For Tutors ONLY:
Student Goals:
What progress has your student made towards their goals (big or small)? Have they reached a goal? Please share this with us!

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* 7. ALL Other Volunteer Time, including: preparation, travel, training, admin, office, board, committee, etc. (Round up to the nearest 0.5 hour.)

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* 8. Have you taken any continuing education or training through LVB or another education provider either in person or online to support your role as a tutor or volunteer? (If so, please include that time in #7. )

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* 9. I would like someone from Literacy Volunteers' office to contact me regarding questions or concerns.

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* 10. I would like to talk with someone about other LVB volunteer opportunities and/or interests that I have.