Thank you for your interest to volunteer with St. Mary's County Recreation & Parks. In order to be considered an approved volunteer, you must complete this form in it's entirety. Several questions will include links to important documents for your review and confirmation of understanding and additional action. In addition to completing this form, you will need to complete a background screening - see details below.

If you have any questions, please contact your volunteer supervisor for assistance.

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* 1. Please indicate volunteer status you are seeking.
Note: If you are representing a group or organization, please make sure you will be the main contact for this group.

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* 2. Contact Information for Volunteer:

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* 3. Are you 18 years of age or older?

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* 4. Employer:

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* 5. Do you have a child participating in the program for which you are volunteering?

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* 6. Do you have previous volunteer or coaching experience?

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* 7. Please indicate volunteer roles or coaching positions you have previously completed:

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* 8. Please indicate the program which you are interested in volunteering:

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* 9. Please provide up to 3 references from previous volunteer positions or your current employer:

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* 10. INDEMNIFICATION: I shall indemnify and hold harmless St. Mary's County and its officials, employees and agents from and against any and all liabilities, judgments, settlements, losses, costs or charges (including attorneys fees) incurred by St. Mary's County or any of it officials, employees or agents as a result of any claim, demand, action or suit relating to any bodily injury (including death), losses or property damage caused by, arising out of, related to or associated with the use of the property. By agreeing to this statement, I do so in lieu of a signature.

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* 11. Release of Liability Waiver:
Please read carefully. This is a legal document that affects your legal rights.
In consideration for a volunteer position with the St. Mary’s County Government. 
I, The Volunteer, hereby release and forever discharge and hold harmless the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County, its administrators, directors, departments, boards, commissions, agents, employees, volunteers, and vendors (each considered one of the “Releasees” herein) from any and all liability, losses, claims, and demands of whatever kind and nature, either in law or equity, including, but not limited to, personal or bodily injury, illness, death, invasion of privacy, or property injury or damage, which arise from or may hereafter be in connection with the Volunteer Position.
The Volunteer desires to serve in the Volunteer Position and engage in activities related to the Volunteer Position.
The Volunteer (or Guardian, if applicable) also understands that there may be other risks either not known to the Volunteer (or Guardian, if applicable) or not readily foreseeable at this time, including serious bodily injury or death.
The Volunteer (or Guardian, if applicable) fully accepts and assumes all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages that the Volunteer incurs as a result of the Volunteer Position.
The Volunteer (or Guardian, if applicable) further agrees that if, despite this Release and Waiver of Liability, the Volunteer, or anyone on the Volunteer’s behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releasees, the Volunteer (or Guardian, if applicable) will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the Releases from any loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim.
The Volunteer (or Guardian, if applicable) also understands that St. Mary’s County Government does not carry, maintain or provide health, medical, or disability insurance coverage for any Volunteer and does not assume any responsibility or obligation to provide financial or other assistance, in the event of injury or illness suffered by the Volunteer.

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* 12. I understand that I must complete a background check. This check must be updated annually in order for me to be in good standing as a volunteer with St. Mary's County Recreation & Parks.  Once I am approved as a Volunteer, I will be sent an email with directions on how to complete the background check. Once that is clear and approved, then I will be listed as an approved volunteer.

To complete, please visit:, click on the APPLY HERE link and choose corresponding sport or activity.

NOTE: You may be a current, active volunteer coach with a background check already approved and in good standing. If your background check will expire AFTER the start of the season or event you will volunteer for, then you do not need to renew your background check at this time. To check your expiration visit:

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* 13. REVIEW OF VOLUNTEER MANUAL: I acknowledge that I have been provided with a copy of the St. Mary’s County Department of Recreation and Parks (the Department) Volunteer Manual (Manual), also located on the website

I understand that it is my responsibility to familiarize myself with its contents. I also understand that:
a) The manual contains policies and procedures relating to the Department’s volunteers.
b) The manual is not a contract between the volunteer and the Department or the St. Mary’s County Government.
c) The volunteer relationship is at will and may be terminated by either party for any reason, with or without cause or warning.
d) I agree to contact my immediate supervisor or an administrator if a rule, policy or procedure is unclear to me.
e) When updates to the Manual are made, the revised Manual will be posted on the Department’s website and volunteers will be notified.
f) I further understand that any and all of the rules, policies, procedures and benefits referred to in the Manual may be updated, modified, discontinued or supplemented at any time at the discretion of the Department and/or St. Mary’s County Government.
I agree to follow the policies and procedures outlined in the Department’s Volunteer Manual as they pertain to my service as a volunteer for the Department.

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* 14. FOR GROUPS OR ORGANIZATIONS ONLY: If you are completing as a representative a group or organization (i.e. Boys Scouts), please review the terms and conditions at: Confirm agreement by checking the item below.