2019 CREDS New Project Submission Form

Please answer the questions below in relation to your project.  The CREDS committee will review your answers and provide points based on the attached criteria.  The top 10 projects will be the 2019 Vital Projects.   Other projects that do not fall into the top 10 will still be included in the CREDS update in an effort to showcase all the great things being done in our region.

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* 1. Project Title

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* 2. Project Contact

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* 3. Project description and overview- please provide a brief overview of your project. Highlight the purpose of your project, mission of the project, project goals, regional impact, who will benefit and how will they benefit from your project. This is your opportunity to address scoring criteria: Regional Impact

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* 4. Project status report- Do you have a committed group or agency poised to take a lead role for implementation?  What is the timeline of your project?  Has your project started?  If so, when?  If you have yet to begin your project, please note this and provide an estimated timeline. This is your opportunity to address scoring criteria: Readiness to Begin

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* 5. Budget- please provide an overview of the budget required for this project.  This is your opportunity to address scoring criteria: Budget.

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* 6. Experience and resources- please provide an overview of any previous experience you may have that will assist you with this project. What resources do you currently have in place or plan to have in place to implement the project (internal resources)? Will you be leveraging any external assets (bank loans, individuals, equity investors, organizations) outside of Region 5? If applicable, please reference any committed funds, organizational support and permits. This is your opportunity to address scoring criteria: Readiness to Begin, Leveraging Internal Assets, Leveraging of External Assets and Budget

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* 7. Outcomes- please outline specific outcomes of your project. This is your opportunity to address scoring criteria: Develop Capacity, Employment Numbers, Employment Wages, and Cluster Development.

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* 8. Quality of place- discuss how the project will develop and benefit the region’s quality of place. For example, the arts, proximity to major markets, and recreational activities. This is your opportunity to address scoring criteria: Quality of Place.

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* 9. Project alignment with CREDS- describe how your project is consistent with the CREDS. Please provide specifics on which goals and objectives your project satisfies. How will this project help Region Five Development Commission to meet its economic development goals? This is your opportunity to address scoring criteria: Consistency with Region Five Development Commission's CREDS.

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* 10. Is there any other information you would like to share about your project?