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* 2. Pulplog Suppliers – Existing Controls

Visy’s larger suppliers, which account for a large proportion of total pulplog inputs, are assessing harvest/plantation for the presence of High Conservation Values (HCVs), and managing any identified HCVs.

Special attention is given to the assessment and ongoing monitoring of contractors ensuring adherence to prescriptions stated in harvest and haulage plans.

Please review the Visy Controlled Wood Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan 2024.

Stakeholder Comment; Supplier Control Measures:

Question Title

* 3. Visy Controls, Pulplog Suppliers

Visy conducts a supplier approval process and an annual review process to ensure that all pulplog suppliers are conducting the required searches, and have access to the relevant information, including subject matter experts, to assess the threat of their activities to HCVs.

All pulplog suppliers to Visy are required to assess the presence and management of the following HCVs:

HCV 4: Critical ecosystem services. Basic ecosystem services in critical situations, including protection of water catchments and control of erosion of vulnerable soils and slopes.

HCV 6: - Cultural values. Sites, resources, habitats and landscapes of global or national cultural, archaeological or historical significance, and/or of critical cultural, ecological, economic or religious/sacred importance for the traditional cultures of local communities or Indigenous Peoples, identified through engagement with these local communities or Indigenous Peoples.

Additionally, thinning operations managed by Visy Contracted Harvest Crews will be reviewed by Visy’s dedicated forester for review of planning operations and adherence to any specified prescriptions.

Stakeholder Comments; Visy’s Control Measures:

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* 4. Supply Chain Assessment and Control Measures

Pulplog suppliers are supplying whole pulplogs direct to Visy from the plantation source. Current control measures include:
  • Requirement for each supply to be registered in the weighbridge system by the Fibre and Forestry Manager including; supplier details, haulage company, location, compartment number and property name, species, age class and specified haulage route (if applicable).
  • Establishment of a unique delivery code. Deliveries cannot be accepted without the specified delivery code being correctly entered and registered vehicle being nominated against the correct haulage company.
  • Delivery dockets accompany all deliveries. There can be either manual dockets or electronic. Delivery documentation and load reviews are conducted as part of Visy’s internal Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) audit process. Evidence is gathered on suppliers and supply details.

Stakeholder Comment; Supply Chain Control Measures (Pulp Log):

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* 5. Sawmill (chip) Suppliers supply

Sawmill chips are procured by the Tumut operation from local (NSW and ACT) sawlog processors. Visy will potentially also source sawmill chips from Victoria and potentially South Australia through 2023. 

Currently, the following control measures exist:
  • An annual on-site review is conducted by a Visy Representative to determine the effectiveness of systems implemented by the processor to reduce the risk of mixing at the Sawmill Chip supplying site. 
  • In addition, all Sawmill suppliers have a signed declaration requiring notification to Visy in the event of changes to factors that may affect Visy’s current assessment of risk. 
  • Delivery dockets accompany all deliveries to the Sawmill Suppliers. All suppliers to the Sawmills also supply direct into Visy in the form of pulp log. 

Stakeholder Comment; Supply Chain Control Measures:

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* 6. Stakeholder Consultation

Interested Stakeholders: Visy has developed an extensive stakeholder list including Environmental Non-government Organisations (ENGOs), representatives from social and forest employment groups, government agencies, forest managers, recreational forest uses, local harvest operators, experts (including ecologists) and local indigenous representatives. These stakeholders are selected based on their interest in harvesting and plantation management activities, and, their geographical location relevant to the sourcing areas.

Affected Stakeholders are engaged and consulted by Visy annually on the control measures contained in this document. Affected stakeholders generally include; neighbouring property owners, road uses (private and council), recreational forest uses and indigenous interests. Where Visy does not have access to stakeholder information due to privacy reasons, a public notification process will be used and documented.

Stakeholder Comment; Stakeholder Engagement: