Question Title

* 1. Please list the main reason you participated in Virtual NOAC 2023:

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* 2. What were the highlights of Virtual NOAC 2023 for you?

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* 3. Is there anything that could have improved your experience?

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* 4. Please list the following in order of importance to you with regard to NOAC:
(1=most important, 6=least important. Please use each number only once.)

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* 5. How would you rate the Virtual 2023  National Older Adult Conference?

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* 6. Will you participate in Virtual NOAC again ?  Why or why not?

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* 7. Looking ahead to NOAC 2025, give us suggestions for leadership and activities

Thank you for attending Virtual NOAC 2023 and for taking the time to complete this evaluation. We hope to see you at NOAC in 2025!