2022 Master Plan Survey

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey! The survey is designed to take approximately 5-10 minutes,  and minutes, and is comprised of questions that will give us a comprehensive overview of what you feel is most important in your community.
Your responses to the additional demographic questions will not affect the other parts of your survey. Demographic data helps the Village of Vicksburg ensure that the responses are reflective of the entire community.

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* 1. Do you live in the Village of Vicksburg?

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* 2. How long have you lived in the Village of Vicksburg?  Does not have to be continuous; please add up only your time that you have lived within the village limits.

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. What are the most positive aspects of living in the Village of Vicksburg? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. Do you consider any of the following to be a less desirable aspect of living in the Village of Vicksburg? (check all that apply)

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* 6. Based on your responses to the previous two questions, what could be improved about the Village of Vicksburg? (check all that apply)

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* 7. Do you have other concerns that are not listed above?  If so, please briefly describe your concerns below.

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* 8. In your opinion, how important is addressing each of the following for the Village of Vicksburg?

  Extremely Important Important Somewhat Important Not Important at all No Opinion
Improving the appearance of neighborhoods
Improving the appearance of shopping areas
Incorporating art (murals, sculpture, etc.) into public places
Improving parks and recreation facilities and trails
Providing housing opportunities for all segments of the population
Providing a greater variety of housing types
Redeveloping vacant or underused commercial properties
Assuring that new development/redevelopment is well-designed and attractive
Encourage more tree planting and landscaping
Incorporating green infrastructure, such as rain gardens, permeable surfaces, etc., into new developments
Encourage more transit options, such as bike lanes, access to public transit, etc.
New commercial construction in empty parking lots

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* 9. How would you feel about living in the Village of Vicksburg for the next 5 - 10 years?

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* 10. If you would like to live somewhere other than the Village of Vicksburg in the future, where would you like to live and why?

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* 11. For each type of housing listed below, please indicate whether you feel the Village of Vicksburg needs more, less, or has the right amount of it.

  We need more of this We have the right amount We need less of this No opinion
Large sized single-family housing (>2,500 sq. ft.)
Medium sized single-family housing (1,500 sq. ft. - 2,500 sq. ft.)
Small sized single-family housing (<1,500 sq. ft.)
Duplex (2 unit structure)
Triplexes (3 unit structure)
Quadplexes (4 unit structure)
Attached townhouses or row houses
Apartment-style housing
Senior living facilities
Downtown apartments/flats
Micro-housing (less than 500 sq. ft.)
Accessory dwellings (grandparent flats, in-law suites, and rooms for rent within a house or above a garage, etc.)

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* 12. Over the past five years, do you believe the quality of life in the Village of Vicksburg has improved, stayed about the same, or declined?  Why?

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* 13. Please rate the following potential initiatives for the Village of Vicksburg.

  Extremely important Important Somewhat important Not Important at all No Opinion
Provide bike lanes on roads
Establish bicycle/walking trails
Wider or more attractive sidewalks through business areas
Better maintenance for existing roads and sidewalks
Add signage that helps give direction to popular destinations
More crosswalks in between intersections
Improved streetscape (street trees, landscaping, benches in commercial areas)
Making roadways accessible to all users (bikes, cars, pedestrians)
Eliminate gaps in sidewalks
Improve sidewalks and roads to allow ease of use of people of all abilities

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* 14. Please rate the following potential initiatives for the Village of Vicksburg.

  Extremely important Important Somewhat important Not Important at all No Opinion
Planting more trees along major roads
Planting more trees in Village parks
Land (sustainable land use, landscapes beneficial to ecosystems)
Mobility (active and efficient transportation, public and sustainable transportation)
Sustainable Community (health, safety, wellness, inclusive and equitability)
Waste & Recycling (material management, waste reduction and recycling)
Water (distribute water efficiently, water quality, and manage stormwater)

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* 15. When shopping, dining, or going out for entertainment, what factors impact your spending decisions?

  Extremely important Important Somewhat Important Not Important At All No Opinion
Appearance and ease of access of commercial business centers
Availability to shop at unique local businesses
Ability to park once and walk to multiple stores in a pleasant environment
Availability to shop at national "name brand" stores
Choice, price, and variety of available products
Businesses I want to patronize are conveniently located and easy to access
Availability of sit down restaurants

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* 16. Besides the Village of Vicksburg, what other communities do you regularly frequent for shopping, eating out, and other personal services (check all that apply, you may also add places not listed below in the space provided)

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* 17. Please rate the following potential economic initiatives for the Village of Vicksburg?

  Extremely important Important Somewhat Important Not Important at all No Opinion
Attract additional service and office businesses
Attract additional research and development businesses
Requiring businesses to have less parking so that excess parking areas can be converted to green space or buildings
Attract additional industrial and production businesses
Attract additional distribution centers and warehousing businesses
Encourage creative opportunities through design spaces, artisan workshops, galleries, performance spaces, etc.
Encourage additional retail businesses
Encourage food service businesses
Encourage start-up businesses and entrepreneurship

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* 18. Are you currently working from home, at least part time, due to changed related to the pandemic?

Thank you for completing the survey! We appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback that will help improve life in the Village of Vicksburg for your friends, family, neighbors, and community.

If you would like to receive updates on the Master Plan project, please provide your email address below.

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* 19. Address