Page 1 - Ratings

On February 27, 2018 you attended a presentation called 'A Clinician's Perspective of the ViaTherapy App for Upper Extremity Stroke Rehabilitation'.

Your feedback is extremely helpful for future planning. The questions should take less than 5 minutes.

Thank you again for participating and for your willingness to respond to these questions.

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* 1. Overall, to what extent did this presentation meet your expectations?

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* 2. Would you recommend this presentation to others?

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* 3. Name one thing that you have learned that you could include in your clinical practice:

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* 4. Would you be interested in attending a follow-up session in 3 months to further discuss successes and challenges in clinical appllication? If so, please provide your email address.

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* 5. Please provide any other comments you have about this presentation or suggestions for future topics.

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* 6. Indicate number of years you've been practising your profession

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* 7. Indicate your years of experience in providing stroke care

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We appreciate the time you took to complete this survey!
Your assistance with this survey will provide valuable information to guide upcoming stroke education in our region.

Please visit our web site:
for updated information on the activities of the CRSN, including courses and useful resources.

<span color="#464646" style="color: #464646;">We appreciate the time you took to complete this survey! <br>Your assistance with this survey will provide valuable information to guide upcoming stroke education in our region.<br><br>Please visit our web site: <span color="#000080" style="color: #000080;">        <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a><br><span color="#464646" style="color: #464646;">for updated information on the activities of the CRSN, including courses and useful resources.</span></span></span>