Please join us for this free 30-minute webinar on July 11, 2017 to prepare yourselves and your audiences for the August 21 solar eclipse.  The webinar will be conducted at 2 pm Eastern Daylight Time (1 pm CDT/ 12 MDT/ 11 PDT) and repeated at 5pm Eastern Daylight Time (4 pm CDT / 3 MDT / 2 PDT). 
When it's time, please go to this link to join the meeting.

 Join us to see fun eclipse activities, to hear about new eclipse resources, and to learn more about the science behind eclipses.  Learn how to safely view the eclipse and how to incorporate multicultural eclipse stories into your programs. At the end of each webinar, participants will be entered into a door prize to win posters and solar eclipse glasses (you must be present to win.)

This webinar is presented by the Lunar and Planetary Institute and the Institute for Science of Exploration Targets node of the Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute located at the Southwest Research Institute.

Question Title

* Please enter your contact information below.

Question Title

* Please describe any programming you plan to conduct before or during the eclipse, and any questions you would like us to address during the webinar.

50% of survey complete.