2023-24 Election Ballot for Board of Directors

  • Please check the names to designate your votes for the 2023-24 Board of Directors.
  • You may cast one vote per Board Officer position and two votes for the At-Large Director positions.

Question Title

* 1. Please fill in your contact information.

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* 2. President (Vote for One)

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* 3. Vice President (Vote for One)

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* 4. Treasurer (Vote for One)

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* 5. Secretary (Vote for One)

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* 6. At-Large Directors (Vote for Three)

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* 7. Annual Meeting Floor Nominated Write-In Votes

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* 8. By checking 'I agree', this will be my virtual signature that I/we are the homeowners to this property and these are our assigned responses submitted by proxy for the 2023-24 ballot.