St Mark Couples Service Survey

St Mark Couples Survey

By God's grace, we are refreshing the couple's service and we are seeking your opinion to ensure the Church is serving you in the best possible way. Thanks
1.Would you and your partner like to be involved in this service?
2.If yes, how often would like for this service to be conducted? 
3.What format do you prefer for this service? (You can select more than one option)
4.For activities, would you prefer to participate in any of the following? (You can select more than one option)
5.What day of the week suits you best for these activities (you can choose more than 1 time slot)
6.What is the best way to communicate with you? (you can choose more than 1 option)
7.Do you know of any other couples that would enjoy and benefit from this service?  please include their contact details so we can contact them.
8.Any other insights or ideas that you would like to share?
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered