IC 28: Pediatric Constraint Induced Movement and Bimanual Therapy Implementation into the Clinic Setting

Learning Objectives:
1) Upon completion, participants will be able to identify the theoretical foundations of P-CIMT/BIT and current evidence related to intensive therapy models for children with hemiplegia
2) Upon completion, participants will be able to explain how to implement P-CIMT/BIT utilizing various protocols across different environments and taking into account stages of upper extremity development and therapy goals
3) Upon completion, participants will be able to develop a plan to engage parents in the P-CIMT/BIT process to promote occupation-based functional skills during and after P-CIMT/BIT intervention
4) Upon completion, participants will be able to describe strategies to document in a standardized way, the fidelity of P-CIMT/BIT treatment and children’s progress before, during, and after treatment.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your opinion about each of the following statements.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The course followed description in the program.
The course began on time and was well paced.
The faculty communicated clearly and effectively.
The course used practical examples to teach points.
The faculty involved participants in the course.
The faculty allowed enough time for questions.
The course met its objectives as stated in the program.
The information presented will help me accomplish my professional responsibilities.
The course has given me a basis for making changes in my practice.

Question Title

* 2. Did this course have a commercial bias?

Question Title

* 3. Should the Academy repeat this course next year?

Question Title

* 4. Please suggest any topics of interest for a future course.

Question Title

* 5. General comments:

Thank you!