Please respond to this survey from the perspective of your classroom as well as holistically at RHS.

Question Title

* 1. Last name, first name
This is for data purposes only and will not be attached to your survey.

Question Title

* 2. Learning Goals & Scales

  Yes Partial No
Teachers are proficient in creating and adapting learning goals and scales to their instruction.
Students are informed of evaluation criteria in advance of completing student work.
Teachers share learning goals and scales among other teachers.
Teachers use tools to track student progress beyond those required for reporting grades.
Common Rubrics are used through out the school for typical performances such as student writing and presentations.

Question Title

* 3. Reading

  Yes Partial No
All teachers use reading in the content strategies as part of instruction.
Teachers have access to data on the reading level of each of their students.
Reading level of students is measured frequently to determine progress
Teachers know the reading level of materials used in the classroom.
Teachers differentiate instruction to accommodate different reading levels of students.

Question Title

* 4. Reflective Thought

  Yes Partial No
Teachers often create student work that requires students to create an answer rather than recall an answer.
Teachers give students time to think in classroom instruction.
Teachers work to help students relate learning to student background and personal experience.
Teachers frequently use the inquiry method of encouraging students to pose questions.
Students have opportunity to reflect on the quality of their work and summarize what they have learned.

Question Title

* 5. Revision

  Yes Partial No
Teachers share innovative lessons with other teachers.
Teacher have the opportunity to observe other classroom demonstrating best instructional practices.
Teachers have access to adequate technology for integration of technology in instruction.
There is a common structure to lesson plan development across subjects or grades.
Teachers collaborate in development of interdisciplinary lessons.

Question Title

* 6. Research

  Yes Partial No
Teachers collect data to evaluate effectiveness of innovative practices.
Teachers select innovations and instructional programs based on research data.
Teachers visit other classrooms and schools to identify best practices.
Teachers analyze data on students to identify strengths weaknesses and interests to differentiate instruction.
Teachers stay current in profession by reading journals and participating in professional organizations.

Question Title

* 7. Resilience

  Yes Partial No
Teachers know individual student's strengths and give them daily opportunities to use their strengths.
There are ample opportunities for students to explore interests through in-class and other school activities.
The school uses a variety of recognitions to "catch" students succeeding.
School provides a safe and secure atmosphere where students are comfortable and willing to take risks.
Students who fail or act out and are removed from school have ample opportunity to re-enter the system.

Question Title

* 8. Relationships

  Yes Partial No
Students actively support each other attaining higher levels of achievement
Teachers work with students frequently outside of classroom instruction.
Parents and community members are frequent participants in school activities.
Teachers consistently exhibit behaviors that show they care about and respect students.
Each student has an adult advocate that knows the student well and meets regularly to identify needs, problems and accomplishments.

Question Title

* 9. Reschedule

  Yes Partial No
The length of instructional periods allows for students to complete projects and problems consistent with high rigor/high relevance
Teacher teams have the flexibility to modify schedule consistent with meeting student needs.
The master schedule is designed around the needs of students.
The schedule provides for planning time for teachers to discuss student needs and plan interdisciplinary projects.
Teachers are skillful in fully using all of instructional time.

Question Title

* 10. Rejuvenation

  Yes Partial No
Teachers are encouraged to participate in self-directed professional learning.
Teachers collaborate frequently sharing ideas and strategies.
Coaches are provided to work individually with teachers on professional development priorities.
New teachers are provided mentors and time to meet together.
School or district professional development is personalized to teacher needs.

Question Title

* 11. Rewards

  Yes Partial No
Students are recognized in a wide variety of events and activities.
Students and staff celebrate school wide academic achievement.
Students get frequent feedback from teachers on the quality of their work.
Incentives are provided to teachers that take on extra work or made outstanding contributions.
Parents and community are partners in providing rewards and recognition to students.

Question Title

* 12. What questions or comments do I have about rigor in my classroom?