CAP Professional Guidance Consultation Survey 

Feedback on Professional Guidance Consultation

The role of professional guidance is to guide registered psychologists in identifying, interpreting, and relating regulatory resources (e.g., Legislation, Canadian Psychological Association’s Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists, and College of Alberta Psychologists’ Standards of Practice, Practice Guidelines/Alerts) to their practice situation. 

Your contribution is highly valued and results from this survey will Inform the department’s continuous improvement efforts.  Note that identifying or personal information is not required.
1.Which of the following best describes your experience consulting with professional guidance?
2.Please select which (if any) steps you took to address your question/situation.
3.How much time did it take to receive a response to your request for professional guidance consultation?
4.How informative was your professional guidance consultation?
5.How respectful was your professional guidance consultation?
6.Will your consultation with CAP’s Professional Guidance department on this issue result in enhancements to your practice?
7.Overall, how would you rate the quality of your professional guidance consultation?
8.Please provide any additional feedback you would like to share with the College regarding the professional guidance department. 

By submitting this form, I consent to the College of Alberta Psychologists’ collection and use of my responses for the purpose of informing and refining the College’s efforts in providing professional guidance to members. As well, some data may be used as part of future reporting on Professional Guidance in publications such as the CAP annual report and CAP Monitor. Please contact the Privacy Officer of the College if you have any questions.