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* 1. In 10 to 15 words please describe your vision of 21st century learning?

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* 2. List three unique aspects of the Granite Falls Middle School?

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* 3. List 3 strengths of the Granite Falls Middle School?

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* 4. From your perspective list 3 weaknesses of the present Granite Falls Middle School?

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* 5. What educational delivery models/instructional approaches should be considered in designing educational facilities to provide flexibility for future change (interdisciplinary, multi-age, grade levels, focus on career opportunities, technology, etc)?

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* 6. Please rank the following in the order of priority.

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* 7. Please list any other features that you feel the design team should investigate in the design of your new school?

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* 8. As we address the long range needs of the Middle School Age pupils what are the top 3 priories to consider?

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* 9. Based upon the information presented about the school facilities, what comments, questions, or observations would you like to share?

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* 10. Please share any additional comments or concerns that might assist us as we continue to address the long-range plan?

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* 11. Which category best describes you?

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* 12. Education:

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* 13. Do you live in the County?

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* 14. Age:

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* 15. Do you have children who go to school in the public schools?

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* 16. Are you an alumn of the Caldwell County Schools