
Swarthy Lion Behavioral Health & Wellness

Swarthy Lion presents #ThinkofAtlanta a social wellness initiative to encourage giving. We want to embolden the people of Atlanta to change the way we treat mental and physical health. Click here to explore our vision.
1.Do you live in or have you visited Atlanta, Georgia?
2.Have you ever experienced symptoms of mental or physical illness (ex. loneliness, stress, body aches)?
3.Have you ever received a gift, warm physical affection, or thoughtful consideration from someone?
4.Did you feel better after receiving a gift, warm physical affection, or thoughtful consideration from someone? 
5.Are you more or less likely to talk to someone after they have given you a gift?
6.Are you 18 or older and understand that this survey will only be used for marketing purposes and will not be disseminated to the scientific community?