Membership Content Survey Basic Demographics 9% of survey complete. Question Title * 1. What is your gender? Female Male Question Title * 2. Which category below includes your age? 17 or younger 18-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-59 60 or older Question Title * 3. What is the highest level of education you have received? Less than high school degree High school degree or equivalent (e.g. GED) Some college but no degree Associate degree Bachelor degree Graduate degree Question Title * 4. Which of the following categories best describes your employment status? Employed, Part Time Employed, Full Time Self employed Not employed, looking for work Stay at home parent Student Retired Disabled, not able to work Question Title * 5. Are you now married/partnered, widowed, divorced, separated, or never married? Married/Partnered Widowed Divorced Separated Never married Question Title * 6. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? American Indian, Alaska Native, Aboriginal, First Nations Asian Black, African America, African descent Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Hispanic/Latino Two or More Races/Ethnicities White/Caucasian Prefer not to answer Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Which of the following describes your annual household income in US dollars? Less than $19,999 $20,000-29,999 $30,000-39,999 $40,000-49,999 $50,000-59,999 $60,000-69,999 $70,000-79,999 $80,000-89,999 $90,000-99,999 $100,000-149,999 $150,000-199,999 $200,000-299,999 $300,000+ Question Title * 8. What type of MQG member are you? Individual Member Member of a Local Guild Both Question Title * 9. In what country do you currently reside? United States Canada Australia United Kingdom Brazil Germany France Other (please specify below) Notes Next