Hello! It's Lynda here from Homelea Lass and I'd love to ask you a few questions. I'm starting up "Creative Circle" which is a mastermind for creative women of all levels and I'd love your thoughts on how to make deep, lush and productive.

In Creative Circle we'll delve into creativity, happiness, crochet and yarn as we hold and support each other. We'll journey together to balance our body, mind and soul, listen to what intuitive guidance we are receiving, feel the resistance without fear and emerge into the light of completion. It's all about achieving our creative goals in alignment with our full being.

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* 1. How often would you love for Creative Circle to meet?

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* 2. What would you love to be included in Creative Circle?

  Yes Maybe No Unsure
One on one time with me (in person or online)
A supportive facebook group
Regular emails
Regular online circles

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* 3. When is a suitable time to hold our Creative Circles (in Sydney time)?

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* 4. How can Creative Circle help you?

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* 5. How much would you be willing to invest in yourself each month for Creative Circle?

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* 6. Would you love to be notified when the doors open to Creative Circle? Leave your name and email address below.

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* 7. Do you have any other ideas?

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me!

With love, Lynda.