States are required to submit a Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) in accordance with ESEA section 8303 and required to report the degree to which districts are making progress toward meeting the objectives and outcomes described in section 4106(e)(1)(E) as part of section 4104(a)(2). The questions below are to collect information that is required for federal reporting for Title IV, Part A.

Question Title

* District Title IV, Part A Coordinator

Question Title

* District Title IV, Part A Coordinator Email Address

For the next questions, please list the total amount of Title IV, Part A funds that were spent in each content area from July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021. If funds were spent from multiple grant years, please add up the total amount and enter the information below.

Question Title

* 1. Did the district utilize Title IV funds in the Well-Rounded Education content area from July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021?

Question Title

* 1a. If district answered yes to previous question, indicate the amount of Title IV funds spent in the Well-Rounded Education content area from July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021.

Question Title

* 1 b. Please select from the scale below the degree to which each activity of the Well-Rounded Education component objectives and outcomes have been met. If the district did not utilize funds for an activity listed, then leave the information blank. If the activity is not listed as a choice, please mark the Other box and specify the activity that was supported with Title IV, Part A funds. For example, if the district has College and Career Counseling as an activity, select how much progress has been achieved toward reaching the outcome: All Met, Partially Met or Not Met.

  All Met Partially Met None Met
College and Career Counseling
Music and Arts Education
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), including computer science
Accelerated learning programs, including Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Programs
Dual or concurrent enrollment programs and early college high school courses
American history, civics, economics, geography or government
Foreign Language Instruction
Environmental Education
Volunteerism and community involvement
Multi-disciplinary programs
Social emotional learning
Career and technical education
Other Well-Rounded Education activities

Question Title

* 2. Did the district utilize Title IV funds in the Safe and Healthy Students content area from July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021?

Question Title

* 2a. If district answered yes to previous question, indicate the amount of Title IV funds spent in the Safe and Healthy Students content area from July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021.

Question Title

* 2b. Please select from the scale below the degree to which each activity of the Safe and Healthy Students component objectives and outcomes have been met. If the district did not utilize funds for an activity listed, then leave the information blank. If the activity is not listed as a choice, please mark the Other box and specify the activity that was supported with Title IV, Part A funds. For example, if the district has Drug Prevention as an activity, select how much progress has been achieved toward reaching the outcome: All Met, Partially Met or Not Met.

  All Met Partially Met None Met
Drug Prevention
Prevent bullying, harassment and violence
School-based mental health services and partnership programs
Health and safety practices in school or athletic programs, including nutrition and physical education
Mentoring and school counseling
Practices for developing relationship-building skills
School dropout and re-entry programs
Integrated systems of student and family supports
Child sexual abuse awareness and prevention
Reduce exclusionary discipline practices
Strategies to improve school climate, including schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports
Site resources coordinator for community partnerships
School Resource Officer
Other Safe and Healthy Students activities

Question Title

* 3. Did the district utilize Title IV funds in the Effective Use of Technology content area from July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021?

Question Title

* 3a. If district answered yes to previous question, indicate the amount of Title IV funds spent in the Effective Use of Technology content area from July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021.

Question Title

* 3b. Please select from the scale below the degree to which each activity of the Effective Use of Technology component objectives and outcomes have been met. If the district did not utilize funds for an activity listed, then leave the information blank. If the activity is not listed as a choice, please mark the Other box and specify the activity that was supported with Title IV, Part A funds. For example, if the district has Implement blended learning strategies as an activity, select how much progress has been achieved toward reaching the outcome: All Met, Partially Met or Not Met.

  All Met Partially Met None Met
Professional development and capacity building to improve the use of educational technology
Implement school- and districtwide approaches for using technology to support instruction, collaboration, and learning
Provide professional development in the use of technology for STEM, including computer science
Provide personalized learning
Implement blended learning strategies
Develop or deliver specialized or rigorous academic courses and curricula using technology
Provide students in rural, remote, and underserved areas with digital learning opportunities
Discover, adapt, and share educational resources, including open educational resources (OER)
Purchase digital instructional resources or content
Build technological capacity and infrastructure, including purchasing devices, equipment, software applications or platforms
Make assistive technology available to students with disabilities
Use technology to support English learners
Other Effective Use of Technology activities

Question Title

* 4. How much did the district spend in services to private schools in the Well-Rounded Education content area from July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021? If no funds were spent in this section, please enter a 0, 'zero', in the box.

Question Title

* 5. How much did the district spend in services to private schools in the Safe and Healthy Students content area from July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021? If no funds were spent in this section, please enter a 0, 'zero', in the box. 

Question Title

* 6. How much did the district spend in services to private schools in the Effective Use of Technology content area from July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021? If no funds were spent in this section, please enter a 0, 'zero', in the box.