2024 Field Day Planning

Survey Purpose

The 2024 Field Day team is sending this survey to understand your plans for participating in the SBARC 2024 Field Day event.

To ensure the best event possible, we would like to know:

  • Which day(s) and times you will join us.
  • Your intention to set-up your own station versus use one of the two club stations.
  • Your plans to join us for one or more of our food & beverage offerings.

Thank you once again for taking our survey!

1.May we know your name?(Required.)
2.May we contact you? If so, please provide your email address and or, phone number.
3.How would you like to participate in the K6TZ 2024 Field Day?(Required.)
4.If you plan to work Field Day from a club station, which day and time would you prefer to operate?

Please note that those who sign-up for an operating "Shift" will have priority for station use. Those that do not sign-up are welcome to operate a station, as & when a station is available.
5.If you plan to work Field Day from your own station, which day(s) and time(s) do you plan to operate?
6.If you said that you intend to operate a club station, which mode(s) would you use? Note that individuals wishing to operate CW will need to furnish their own key.
7.If you said that you intend to operate your ownstation, which mode(s) would you use? Note that individuals wishing to operate CW will need to furnish their own key.
8.If you said that you intend to operate a club station, which bands would you prefer to operate on?
9.If you said that you intend to operate your own station, which bands would you prefer to operate on?
10.Food & Beverage will be offered on a donation basis Sunday morning and Sunday mid-day. All are encouraged to attend for the Sunday bar-b-que lunch! Please indicate which meals you plan to enjoy at Field Day.(Required.)
11.Thanks to JoAnn, Steve and Les, we will have some good food and beverages at Field Day. We do still need one or two more volunteers, though. If you are willing to help with one of the following needs please so indicate. Note that donor funding is available to help ensure food & beverage costs are covered.
12.If you have suggestions for the field day planning team to consider, please provide them here.
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered