This survey is part of research commissioned by the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies (EiE Hub). The EiE Hub publishes an annual flagship report reflecting its mission to support better data and evidence, as well as its mandate to drive political will, commitment, and agenda-setting with governments and partners. Recognizing the critical nature of the climate crisis, which threatens children and youth’s right to education, particularly in crisis settings, the EiE Hub has commissioned its 2023 report on the interplay between climate change and education in emergencies (EiE).

We value the perspectives of EiE practitioners, actors in related fields, policy- and decision-makers, and academics, as you play crucial roles in addressing these pressing issues. By participating in this survey, you can contribute to ensuring our collective voice is heard, shaping policies and initiatives to effectively tackle these challenges. Your input will help us develop collective recommendations and to advocate for better support, funding, and resources for EiE and climate action, including ahead of COP28 and the Global Refugee Forum.

Note that all responses to this survey are anonymous. No personal information will be collected.

A huge ‘Thank You’ for filling in the survey before Friday 21 July 2023. It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
General information

Question Title

* 1. Where are you based? (Please select a single answer)

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* 2. In which region are you based? (Please select a single answer)  

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* 3. Which kind of organization do you represent? (Please select a single answer)

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* 4. What field do you primarily work in? (Please select a single answer)

Climate Change Impacts on Education

Question Title

* 5. In your experience, how has education in crisis settings been affected by climate change? (Please select all answers that apply)

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* 6. Have you identified disproportionate impacts on specific groups? (Please select a single answer)

EiE Reponses to Climate Emergency   

Question Title

* 7. Do you think that the climate emergency is making EiE practice more complex and challenging? (Please select a single answer)

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* 8. In your context, does the EiE response directly tackle issues related to climate change? (Please select a single answer)

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* 9. Overall, how do you assess the current level of EiE response to the scale and severity of climate emergency? (Please select a single answer)

Question Title

* 10. Overall, how do you assess the appropriateness and relevance of the EiE response to the scale and severity of climate emergency? (Please select a single answer)

Question Title

* 11. In your view, what is the current level of involvement of EiE actors in each of the following areas relating to climate emergency? (Select one answer for each)

  Very sufficient Sufficient Somewhat sufficient Insufficient I don't know / I am not sure
Ensuring provision of quality EiE for most-at-risk children and young people affected by climate emergencies
Ensuring schools and temporary learning spaces conduct risk assessment, including climate risk
Ensuring schools, children, educators and communities have standard operating procedures in place in readiness to respond to climate (and other) emergencies
Supporting environmentally sustainable, climate-resilient infrastructure and green energy considerations into planning, design, (re)construction and maintenance
Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction, resilience building, climate change and environmental education in school curricula 
Ensuring the provision of psychosocial support and protective services for crisis-affected students and teachers in relation to climate change impacts
Helping climate-affected children and young people enhance their capacities as agents of change for climate change adaptation/mitigation
Strengthening collaboration and coordination along the nexus between humanitarian, development and peace spheres to build education sector resilience to climate change impacts

Question Title

* 12. In planning and delivering EiE action in response to climate change, what future scenario informs what you do? (Please select a single answer)

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* 13. In your EiE response, do you take the triple planetary mega-crisis of climate, biodiversity/habitat loss and pollution into account? (Please select a single answer)

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* 14. Have you asked children and youth whether they consider EiE responses to the climate emergency to be appropriate and relevant? (Please select a single answer)