Mobility and Transportation Innovation (MTI) Grant Application |
MTI Grant Instructions
Due 4:30pm Monday September 16th, 2024
MTI Grant Guidance
Please find additional details and a PDF of the grant application here.
Applicants must use this Budget Template and upload as a .doc
Who May Apply?
The grant applications are open to municipalities, local or regional planning agencies, transit agencies, school districts or schools, non-profit organizations, and citizen groups focused on providing public transportation resources. Private sector organizations, individuals, State and Federal agencies are not eligible to receive funds directly but may be partners of a project.
Who May Apply?
The grant applications are open to municipalities, local or regional planning agencies, transit agencies, school districts or schools, non-profit organizations, and citizen groups focused on providing public transportation resources. Private sector organizations, individuals, State and Federal agencies are not eligible to receive funds directly but may be partners of a project.
MTI Goals and Performance Metrics
MTI grant performance metrics are focused on the following goals:
1. To improve mobility and access for transit dependent Vermonters
2. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
3. Reduce the use of single occupancy vehicles
4. Complement existing mobility investments
Grant Funding
These grants were developed to incentivize innovative strategies and ideas to expand TDM measures and projects in Vermont. Applicants are asked to select the funding category that best matches the project need. Categories and some suggested project types are outlined below. Grant awards of not more than $250,000 will be awarded to each grant recipient.
Small MTI Grants (Grant Amounts around $10,000)
Eligible projects under this category could include:
1. To improve mobility and access for transit dependent Vermonters
2. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
3. Reduce the use of single occupancy vehicles
4. Complement existing mobility investments
Grant Funding
These grants were developed to incentivize innovative strategies and ideas to expand TDM measures and projects in Vermont. Applicants are asked to select the funding category that best matches the project need. Categories and some suggested project types are outlined below. Grant awards of not more than $250,000 will be awarded to each grant recipient.
Small MTI Grants (Grant Amounts around $10,000)
Eligible projects under this category could include:
- Planning of new TDM programs or resources
- Expansion of first mile/last mile programs
- Creation and marketing of TDM Resources
Medium MTI Grants (Grant Amounts around $50,000)
Eligible projects under this category could include:
- Marketing and outreach of TDM programs
- Expansion of first mile/last mile programs
- Support for employers and/or employees to adopt TDM measures (including incentives) in collaboration with an existing or new TDM program provider
- Planning for TDM programs (bike share, car share, microtransit, etc.)
Large MTI Grants (Grant Amounts around $100,000-$250,000)
Eligible projects under this category could include:
- Implementation
- Capital purchases
MTI Grant Timing
Applications must be received on or before Monday September 16, 2024 at 4:30 pm.
Grants applicants will be notified of project selections in October 2024.
The deadline to complete work and submit final metrics, reports and invoices is September 30, 2026.
Online Application Guide
Your progress will be saved automatically on your browser once you move past the second page. It is not possible to transfer applications to different browsers so you must reuse the same browser to access applications in progress. You may edit your application at any time prior to submittal. You will not be able to edit your application after submittal.
In order to submit more than one application, you must either use a separate browser or request a separate survey link. You may draft your responses in a document and then copy and paste into this online form. Only applications submitted through this form will be considered for funding.
For technical assistance, please contact Stephanie Reilly
Your progress will be saved automatically on your browser once you move past the second page. It is not possible to transfer applications to different browsers so you must reuse the same browser to access applications in progress. You may edit your application at any time prior to submittal. You will not be able to edit your application after submittal.
In order to submit more than one application, you must either use a separate browser or request a separate survey link. You may draft your responses in a document and then copy and paste into this online form. Only applications submitted through this form will be considered for funding.
For technical assistance, please contact Stephanie Reilly
Email: stephanie.reilly@vermont.gov
Phone: (802) 595-9138