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* 1. Are you familiar with the Vermont Local Roads Workshops & Technical services that are available to all municipalities at no charge?

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* 2. Do you know about the Vermont Roads Scholar Program?

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* 3. What types of training does your highway personnel need to better serve the public?

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* 4. What is your preferred duration for a workshop?

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* 5. How far are you willing to travel for a workshop?

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* 6. Are you receiving Vermont Local Roads Flyers & Newsletters?

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* 7. How do you prefer to receive Vermont Local Roads publications?

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* 8. Are you subscribed to the Vermont Local Roads ListServ?

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* 9. Are you subscribed to the Vermont Local Roads Facebook page?

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* 10. How many total employees in your municipality/agency are responsible for managing, maintaining or working on the road way, sidewalks & in the right of way?

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* 11. Which of the following describes your position?

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* 12. Do you have other information or feedback you would like to provide to Vermont Local Roads?

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100% of survey complete.