Now Accepting Applications for 2023-2024 MPISSN Board of Directors

Serving on the board is extremely rewarding.  The experience contributes to your personal and professional growth at the benefit of our chapter.  Please consider joining the MPISSN leadership team!
Each year the Nominating Committee recommends a slate of candidates to serve in the following positions:  President Elect, VP of Communications, VP of Education and Events, VP of Finance, VP of Membership, Director of Education, Director of Special Events, Director of Strategic Alliance, Director of PR & Communications, and Director of Recruitment & Retention.
Prospective candidates are planner or supplier members who are in good standing, active in and familiar with chapter functions and events, willing to fulfill the obligations of office, have a history of involvement, accomplishment and dependable service, willing to contribute time, energy and creativity to the chapter.
Nominations are due January 13, 2023