
Nominations for the ACSA Management Committee are now open! There are six open positions available, each with a two-year term beginning in January 2019.
We are seeking nominations from energetic, creative, resourceful and forward thinking individuals who have vision and understanding of the possibilities and challenges that are emerging in citizen science.
We are looking for people with diverse experience who can contribute at a strategic and practical level to building a strong, sustainable and dynamic Association, so that it becomes the hub for citizen science in Australia.
The following positions are open for nomination. You must be an ACSA member to nominate or be nominated for a position. The terms of reference and basic responsibilities for each position are available here.
  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • General Member (x2)
Please understand that in nominating you are prepared to commit time to the activities of the Management Committee, including at least one Management Committee meeting per month and associated follow up activities, together with representation on working groups.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Amy on (02) 9320 6121 or via amy.slocombe@austmus.gov.au.