
Your responses to this survey are completely anonymous and cannot be traced back to you.

Thank you for your interest in the development of an updated Sullivan Comprehensive Plan. This survey is designed to gather input from the Sullivan community on topics that are of importance to the future of our community, including local services, priorities for preservation and development, future land use, and housing. It also asks some demographic questions, so we know how well the survey respondents reflect the Sullivan community as a whole. Your feedback is important.

The survey will remain open until August 31, 2024. We anticipate it will take 15 minutes to complete. Click or scroll down to advance to the next question in the survey. Please respond to all questions.

Please visit https://sullivanmaine.org/comp-plan/ or email townmanager@sullivanmaine.org for more information about the Sullivan Comprehensive Planning process.

Thank you for your time.

The Comprehensive Planning Committee.
Judy Ashby, Ray Weintraub, Don Snoke, Christina McGowan, Gary Edwards, and Bianca Seavey-Tucker.

Question Title

* 1. What are 2 or 3 things you value most about Sullivan?

Question Title

* 2. What do you think is missing from Sullivan? Please list 1 or 2 things.

Question Title

* 3. Please provide your opinion of the quality of these Town services and facilities:

  Good Excellent Adequate Needs Improvement Don't Know/Unsure
Code enforcement
Fire/EMS services
Public access to fresh water
Public access to salt water
Public transportation
Recreational facilities
Recreational programs
Road maintenance
Snow removal/sanding roads
Town office customer service
Transfer station

Question Title

* 4. Please provide your opinion of the quality of the following services that are shared by the Town of Sullivan with other communities:

  Excellent Good Adequate Needs Improvement Don't Know/Unsure
Healthcare access/accessibility
Health care service quality
Police protection
RSU 24
Senior citizen services
Historical Society
Recreation Center
Childcare services

Question Title

* 5. During the last 3 years, I think Sullivan's population has:

Question Title

* 6. How valuable is tourism to the community?

Question Title

* 7. Where would you like to focus tourism?

Question Title

* 8. Please check where you feel it is most appropriate for the following land uses to occur in the future:

  Anywhere In Designated Areas Nowhere Unsure
Commercial (trades/services)
Professional Services
Cannabis Business/Sales
Inns, hotels, B&Bs, hostels
Gravel pits/quarries
Affordable housing
Mobile home park
Short-term rental properties
Solar farm development
Wind farm development
Workforce housing

Question Title

* 9. How involved should the Town be in protecting the following:

  Very Somewhat Current Protections are Appropriate Unsure
Agricultural land
Aquifers for drinking water
Coastal land
Forested land
Historical and archaeological resources
Lakes and ponds
Recreational open space inland
Recreational waterfront access
Scenic views
Streams and rivers
Wildlife habitats
Working waterfronts

Question Title

* 10. How would you rate your support for each? (Please select one response per row)

  Strongly Support Support Neutral Don't Support
Community economic development
Planning and programs to reduce public health risks
Environmental education, outreach, and engagement programs
Capital investment planning for vulnerable municipal assets
Planning for energy efficiency and reliability
Wildfire prevention and response planning
Promoting green space and tree planting
Managing stormwater runoff and shoreline erosion

Question Title

* 11. Please provide your opinion of the following aspects of community life:

  Needs improvement or attention right away Needs improvement or attention Needs study Not an issue Don't know/unsure
Bicycle paths/lanes
Street lights along Route 1–Dark sky compliant
Pedestrian sidewalks
Public transportation
Housing availability and affordability
Air quality
Local job opportunities
Recreation programs and facilities
Library & technology facilities
Potable water/water quality
Senior citizen services
Youth services
Childcare services

Question Title

* 12. I would like to see our property tax dollars spent on the following:

Existing Facilities/Services

  Yes No Don't Know
Marine/wharf facilities
Municipal recreation opportunities
Police/traffic enforcement
Improving/expanding Fire/EMS services
Town road improvements
Youth services
Cultural heritage, preservation, and library

Question Title

* 13. I would like to see our property tax dollars spent on the following:

New Initiatives

  Yes No Don't Know
Affordable housing/housing costs
Pedestrian sidewalks
Bicycle paths/lanes
Street Lighting
Local job opportunities
Broadband access
Public transportation
Public restrooms (similar to Long Cove)
Senior citizen services
Childcare services
Community gathering places

Question Title

* 14. What can the Town’s government do to improve service to, and communication with, residents?

Question Title

* 15. How do you prefer to get information?

Question Title

* 16. Do you have regular access to a device needed to effectively use the internet?

Question Title

* 17. Would you be interested in educational opportunities (workshops, courses) to improve your computer skills needed to live, learn, and work?

Question Title

* 18. If you answered yes to the above question, what types of educational opportunities would be of interest to you?

Question Title

* 19. Have you served on a Town committee?

Question Title

* 20. Have you attended any Town meetings in the last 12 months?

The following demographic questions about you will help the Comprehensive Plan Committee confirm the extent to which survey respondents reflect the Sullivan community as a whole. In general, it collapses and simplifies questions asked of each resident as part of the U.S. Census.

Question Title

* 21. What is your relationship to Sullivan?

Question Title

* 22. If you are not a resident, what is your relationship to Sullivan?

Question Title

* 23. If you're a year-round resident, how many years have you been living in Sullivan?

Question Title

* 24. If you’re a seasonal resident, how many years have you been visiting or seasonally residing in Sullivan?

Question Title

* 25. If you’re a seasonal resident, how many months a year do you reside in Sullivan?

Question Title

* 26. If you’re currently a seasonal resident, do you plan to move to Sullivan year-round?

Question Title

* 27. What is your age bracket?

Question Title

* 28. What is your annual household income?

The U.S. Census asks several questions about household income. The choices below reflect the “buckets” reported by the Census Bureau. As with the other questions, we ask about income to confirm whether we have a representative sample of Sullivan residents responding to the survey.

Question Title

* 29. Do you own land in Sullivan?

Question Title

* 30. If yes, how much land do you own in Sullivan?

Question Title

* 31. What is your household size?

Question Title

* 32. What is your employment status?

Question Title

* 33. Do you work remotely from your home as your primary form of employment?

Question Title

* 34. How often do you leave Sullivan for reasons other than work?

Question Title

* 35. If you commute to your workplace, what is the one-way distance to your workplace?

Question Title

* 36. What industry do you work in?

Question Title

* 37. In what area of Sullivan do you live (year-round or seasonally)?

Question Title

* 38. Which of the following activities do you expect to do in the next five years?

Question Title

* 39. What issues do you anticipate the Town of Sullivan will face during the next decade? During the next 20 years?

Question Title

* 40. What concerns and observations do you wish to share with the Comprehensive Plan Committee?