The Palliative and Supportive Care SIG Steering Committee has 1 open position and is seeking SIG members who are interested in serving a two-year term with an option for reappointment.

Steering Committee responsibilities include:
  • Attending and actively participating in Steering Committee conference calls held every 1-3 months, and other meetings at the request of ASTCT leadership.
  • Developing and participating in activities of the Steering Committee to promote and enhance the SIG
  • Serving as a resource for SIG members and members of other ASTCT SIGs
You must be a member of the American Society for Transplant and Cellular Therapy (ASTCT) to serve on the Steering Committee. You may nominate yourself or others.

The Steering Committee seeks diverse representation. Junior faculty, international members, and non-physician members are all encouraged to apply.

Applications must be submitted by Friday, July 16 at 5PM CT.
Please contact Anna Hawkshead ( with any questions. 

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact information. (If you are nominating an individual, provide their information below).

Question Title

* 2. Provide a brief paragraph about yourself/the nominee's areas of palliative and supportive care interests and potential contributions to the Steering Committee.

Question Title

* 3. Attach yourself or the nominee's CV.

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