Opt-in Survey #1: Your Experiences with Public Engagement

This is the first survey offered as part of our Opt-in program. This survey is being hosted by Highland Planning, a non-partisan, for-profit, public engagement consulting firm. Individual responses remain confidential. None of your answers will be associated with any identifying information.

At the end of this survey, you can sign-up to receive future surveys as a member of the Opt-in panel. 

About Opt-In
Opt-In is an online panel created to gather feedback and public opinion on a variety of topics impacting the future of communities in Western New York. Topics include transportation, parks, economic development and quality-of-life. The results will be shared on Highland Planning's website and on social media.

Question Title

* 1. How easy or difficult is it for you to get information about the following?

  Very difficult Somewhat difficult Somewhat easy Very easy  Don't know
National elected officials
State elected officials
Local elected officials
Cultural events
Public meetings
Local and state legislation
How my local tax dollars are being spent
The status of ongoing development projects

Question Title

* 2. In the last year, how many times have you done the following?

  Not at all Once 2 - 5 times More than 5 times Don't know
Attended a public meeting
Taken a survey about a government funded project
Contacted an elected official
Attended an open house to learn more about a project or issue
Participated in a neighborhood association meeting
Used social media to express your opinion to a local government agency
Used social media to express your opinion about local government to your friends/followers 

Question Title

* 3. In which of the following issues are you most likely to get involved in public decisions?

Question Title

* 4. Which of the following has kept you from getting involved?

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following would make you more likely to get involved in public decisions?

Question Title

* 6. In 280 characters or less, please describe the best public meeting you have attended and why.