Monday, December 6th

Jalen's Barber Shop and Bloom Hair Salon is hosting Shots at the Shop in partnership with the Black Equity Coalition (BEC) and Northside Christian Health Center and Pitt Center for Health Equity to bring COVID Vaccinations into the community. Please complete this form to register. Children aged 5+ must be accompanied by an adult.

Register for first time vaccination and show up to receive $20 and a Holiday gift certificate (after completing a survey with Pitt).

Date: Monday, December 6, 2021
Location: 601 E Ohio St. 15212
Time: 11:00 am - 1 pm
Eligibility: Ages 5+
Cost: FREE

Question Title

* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 3. Phone Number

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* 4. Email Address

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* 5. Zip Code

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* 6. Date of Birth

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* 7. Race

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* 8. Ethnicity

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* 9. Gender