Call for Proposals: Host Cities for the WPATH 30th Scientific Symposium (August-November 2028)


The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is the leading international organization dedicated to advancing the standards of care and improving the health and well-being of transgender and gender-diverse individuals. WPATH is committed to promoting high-quality, evidence-based medical and psychological care for transgender people around the world.

The WPATH 30th Scientific Symposium is scheduled for August-November 2028, and we are inviting community organizations, institutions, and members to submit proposals for suggested venues/cities.

Conference Overview:
The WPATH 30th Scientific Symposium will bring together hundreds of healthcare professionals from around the world across all specialties within transgender health to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and discuss the latest advancements in transgender healthcare. The conference will feature abstract and symposia presentations, plenary sessions, community and social events, and more.

The WPATH Scientific Symposiums typically feature 2 Pre-Course days and 4 Main Conference Scientific Session days, with 5-6 concurrent sessions each day.

Expected attendance: 1000 - 1300 attendees
Dates: August-November 2028 (Exact dates to be determined based on venue availability)

Proposal Requirements:
Proposals must include the following details:

  1. City and Venue Information: Please include any suggested venues.
  2. Community and Stakeholder Engagement: Please include any organizations local to this city that WPATH can partner with to organize the WPATH 30th Scientific Symposium.
Section 1: Basic Information
1.Your First Name:(Required.)
2.Your Last Name:(Required.)
3.Your Email Address:(Required.)
4.Are you a current member of WPATH?(Required.)
5.Which WPATH Conferences, if any, have you previously attended?(Required.)
Section 2: Suggested Location and Venue

Please submit recommendations for the location for the WPATH 30th Scientific Symposium (August-November 2028) in the space below.

If you have any suggested hotel, conference center, or convention center that meets these minimum requirements listed below, please include in your submission.
  • Minimum of 500 sleeping rooms
  • Minimum of 30,000 square fee of flexible meeting space
  • General Session for 1,000
  • 6-8 Breakout Rooms for 50-300
  • Registration Space
  • 3-4 Small Meeting Rooms
If suggesting a conference or convention center, please note the hotel that is closest to that location and whether it has at least 500 sleeping rooms.
6.Suggested City/State/Country:(Required.)
7.Suggested Venue/Location (Please be specific):(Required.)
8.Closest International Airport:(Required.)
9.Please explain why you think this suggested city/venue is ideal for WPATH's 30th Scientific Symposium.(Required.)
Section 3: Community Investment

In a continuing effort to ensure greater collaboration with local transgender and gender-diverse communities, we want to connect with as many local community members/organizations for involvement in the WPATH conference.

Please list below any individuals or organizations we can make contact with regarding this conference. Please include key volunteers that will work with WPATH leadership & staff to ensure that the conference is a success. If you have specific people/organizations that have already expressed interest, please list as many as possible. We hope to engage our community members in a number of ways for our WPATH conferences.
10.Names of Community Organization(s): (i.e. government, nonprofit, etc.)(Required.)
11.Name(s) of Community Volunteer(s):(Required.)
12.Sponsorship Opportunities:
13.If applicable, please list any local events that WPATH should consider when reviewing your city for the WPATH 30th Scientific Symposium. Please include dates and location.